Passive, barrel-shaped, adjustable dry vapor system.
Nature Fresh Barrel
#90-8000 3" Barrel (sold by the dozen)
#90-9000 5" Barrel (sold by the dozen)
Learn More:
Quick Facts:
- 3" treats 1,000 ft3
- 5" treats 2,000 ft3
- Nonelectric; simply rotate adjustable top & bottom to control air flow
- Last up to 60 days
- Discrete, light weight (less than 1 lb.)
- Approx. Dimensions:
- 3" barrel is 2"W x 3.5"D
- 5" barrel is 2"W x 5.5"D
- Ideal for areas where continual deodorization is needed because the source of the malodor remains
- Primarily intended for residential & medical applications
Product Ideal For (But Not Limited To):
- Health Care
- Offices
- Automobiles/Boats
- Hotel
- Storage Containers
- Janitorial
- Kitchens
- Utility Closets
- Pet