Industry Solutions

Vaportek Hydroponics Solutions

Eradicate Strong Odors

Hydroponics and large-scale indoor growing can generate pungent smells. These odors emanate from humidity, fertilizers, nutrients, organic matter, and bacteria. Traditional odor removal systems mask hydroponic malodors. Vaportek eliminates them.

Vaportek solutions address hydroponic odors for:

  • Hydroponic & Hobby Gardeners
  • Medical Marijuana Growers, Dispensaries & Patients
  • Traditional Greenhouse/ Indoor Growers
  • Cigar/Smoke Shops

Featured Solutions for Hydroponic Odors

The Vaportek Advantage

Vaportek odor removal systems neutralize persistent hydroponic smells by releasing a dry vapor infused with essential oils. The non-toxic, CFC-free and VOC-compliant vapor interacts with odorous molecules in the air to neutralize and inactivate odors.

Penetrates porous surfaces, such as wood, carpet, and drywall.

Does not depend on harmful ozone or hydroxyl to eliminate odors.

Safe for plants, people and pets during treatment.

No need for respirators, special equipment or training.

Zero risk of combustion, oxidation or added moisture.

Will not destroy textiles, leather, or rubber or rubber-based fabrics or materials.

No potentially dangerous re-entry or recovery period as with ozone.

Does not disrupt delicate balance of the hydroponic environment.